19 Mar 2015

Beauty SecretNatural remedies for Stretch Marks

stretch marks  

 Most Nigerian women look in the mirror at their naked bodies and try very hard not to frown or be disgusted. You don’t have to have kids to get stretch marks anymore.
 Most Nigerian women look in the mirror at their naked bodies and try very hard not to frown or be disgusted. You don’t have to have kids to get stretch marks anymore. All you need do is grow, although having kids is also a form of growth, and so a major way to end up with stretch marks. It’s so bad that some stretch marks can get as wide as scars from cuts on the body and they you know you are doomed when it begins to disgust other people.

Most Nigerian women look in the mirror at their naked bodies and try very hard not to frown or be disgusted. You don’t have to have kids to get stretch marks anymore. All you need do is grow, although having kids is also a form of growth, and so a major way to end up with stretch marks. It’s so bad that some stretch marks can get as wide as scars from cuts on the body and they you know you are doomed when it begins to disgust other people.
We Nigerians are known for taking things in stride and not stressing over issues. I have stretch marks? Oh well, if you don’t like it, take a hike. Although this habit could be good for confidence building, it just means that 90% of Nigerian woman have written off any cure for stretch marks and are basically dying in silence. 
For the women out there who have given up hope for their bodies, here are some everyday tips that can help in your battle against stretch marks.
  • Water: Keeping your body well hydrated protects your skin from many kinds of problem. Drink one or two glasses of water as soon as you wake up in the morning before brushing, and several times a day. Experts recommend a minimum of 10 glasses per day. This keeps your body well hydrated and  restores elasticity which is necessary in getting rid of stretch marks. Try to avoid tea, coffee and soda as they can cause dehydration.
  • Sugar: Natural white sugar is one of the natural remedies for getting rid of stretch marks. Mix a tablespoon of sugar with almond oil and a few drop of lemon juice. Mix it well and apply on the areas where stretch marks are (or other areas of your body if you want) and gently rub them into the skin for at least 10 minutes every day before taking your bath. Try this for a month and see the difference.
  • Aloe Vera: This plant has been known to be a cure for different skin allergies. You can rub the aloe vera gel directly on the affected skin area and leave it on for several minutes before rinsing it with lukewarm water. You can also mix one-fourth cup of aloe vera gel with oil from 10 vitamin E capsules and oil from 5 vitamin A capsules. Rub the mixture into the skin until fully absorbed and repeat this process daily.
  • Potato Juice: potato contains minerals and vitamins that foster growth and restoration of skin cells. Potato juice can be used on stretch marks by cutting a medium sized potato into thick slices, take one of those potato slices and rub it gently on the stretch marks for a few minutes, making sure that the juice from the potato covers the affected skin area. Allow the potato juice to dry for a while and then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Lemon Juice: Rub gently onto the stretch marks in a circular motion. Allow the lemon juice to soak into your skin for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. You could also mix equal quantities of cucumber juice and lemon juice and apply the mixture on the stretch marks.
Some other natural remedies for stretch marks and more such as burns, and cuts are cocoa butter, castor oil, Olive oil and egg whites. They are safer and cheaper than the chemically induced removal creams.

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